
We offer FREE WhatsApp Helpdesk support for computer problems.

We are active from MONDAY to FRIDAY

Hours: From 9:30 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 21:00

If you have problems with Windows, Microsoft Office and in any case with any type of program, even with mobile phones, you can contact us with WHATSAPP

It is essential to have the WHATSAPP service activated and configured correctly

1- Make sure you have written and saved the number on your mobile phone: +39 3389811020

2- Select the WhatsApp button and click the saved number

3- Type and describe the problem you have.

4- One of our operators will acquire the data of your problem and will find the solution to solve and gave it for free.

5 – You will also have the possibility to make video calls just click on the camera icon on the top right.

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